• J.Pharm.Chem
  • Online : ISSN 2349-669X
  • Print : ISSN 0973-9874

Author guidelines

SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS: Typewritten manuscripts prepared using MS Word should be submitted
All components of the manuscript must appear within a single electronic file: references, figure legends and tables must appear in the body of the manuscript.

TYPING INSTRUCTION: The following detailed instructions are necessary to allow direct reproduction of the manuscript for rapid publishing. If instructions are not followed, the manuscript will be returned for retyping. The following typefaces, in 12 points size, are preferred: Times new Roman.

GENERAL FORMAT: The typing area must be exactly 6 5/ 8" (168 mm) wide by 9 7/8" (250 mm) long. Justify margins left and right (block format). The entire typing area of each page must be filled, leaving no wasted space. Text should be double-spaced, special care should be taken to insure that symbols, superscripts and subscripts are legible and do not overlap onto lines above or below. Make sure text lines are equidistant.

TITLE: On the first page of the manuscript, start title 1" (25 mm) down from top text margin. Type title in all capital letters, centred on the width of the typing area and singlespaced if more than one line is required. The title should be brief, descriptive and have all words spelled out. Doublespace, then type the author(s) name(s), single-spaced if more than one line is required. Double-space, than type author(s) address(es), single-spaced, capitalizing first letters of main words. Quadruple-space before Abstract.

ABSTRACT: Centre, type and underline abstract heading, capitalizing the first letter. A double-space should separate the heading from the abstract text. Indent abstract text approximately 1/2" (13 mm) from both left and right margins. The abstract should be intelligible to the reader without reference to the body of the paper and be suitable for reproduction by abstracting services. Introduction to the text (without a heading) should being four spaces below the abstract using full margins.

KEY WORDS: Three or more key words must be provided by authors for indexing of their article. Key words will be listed directly below the Abstract. Abbreviated forms of chemical compounds are not acceptable. Spell out entirely, using the official nomenclature. Example: L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (LDOPA)

MAJOR HEADINGS: Papers must include the major headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion,

Acknowledgments and References. Capitalize first letter, underline, and centre headings on width of typing area.

TABLES/FIGURES: Incorporate tables and/or figures (B & W) with their legends into the main body of text.

REFERENCES: Referneces should be referred to a number [1] in the text and be listed according to this numbering at the end of the paper. Only papers and books that have been published or in press may be cited; unpublished manuscripts or manuscripts submitted to a journal but which have not been accepted may not be cited. The references shoulld comprise the following information and in the given order and with given punctuation as given in the example below:
Author name (s), Initials (s), Publication Title,
Page Number, Year of Publication

Standard Journal Article: [1] Bhattacharyya D, Pandit S, Mukherjee R, Das N, Sur TK. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2003; 47:435. [2] Skottova N, Krecman V. Physiol Res 1998; 47:1.

Book: [1] Ghosh MN. Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology, 2nd ed. Calcutta Scientific Book Agency, 1984:154. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. These should be returned as quickly as possible.

The facts and view in the article will be of the authors and they will be totally responsible for authenticity, validity and originality etc. the authors should give an undertaking

while submitting the paper that the manuscripts submitted to journal have not been published and have not been simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere and manuscripts are their original work.